Pay My Water Bill
You Can Mail payments to:
City Of Lyford
P.O. Box 310
Lyford, Texas 78569
Come by City Hall
Office Address:
13550 Main Ave.
Lyford, Texas 78569
There is also a night drop located
on the left side of the entrance door
to the City Hall were you can drop
off your payments after hours.
No Cash.
Pay Online
Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All water bills are due on the 20th of each month by 5:00 p.m. Except if it falls on a weekend OR City Hall is closed due to a Holiday then it will be due on the next business day. There will be a 10% late charge added to any balance due on the 21st. If the bill is not paid before or on the 30th by 5 p.m., there will be a $20 re-connection fee regardless if the meter was pulled out or not and your service will also be disconnected. If the 30th falls on a weekend or City Holiday the water bill is due on the next business day. You can click on the Pay Online Button below to make a payment. For account number please see your water bill. A processing fee is added to your payment. You can also view the Water & Sewer Ordinance here.

*A processing fee will be added to all credit card payments. To View Fee Schedule click Here.